Perk Yourself up with an Aperitif

Byrrh Rare Assemblage nv
Like drinking sweet vermouth with more flavour intensity Elevage sous bois; a blend of wines from Roussillon, 3-17 years old, This is a different bottling from the regular and each is numbered. In early November ’08 I purchased the last bottle at Traverso’s. They said that this aperitif might be hard to come by in the future as the wholesaler who has been handling this wine has gone under. Produced and matured in Thuir in the Pyrenees Orientales, 20 km west of Perpignan. The wines is infused with 10 different spices, including le Colombo, les ecorces, d’oranges ameres, la camomille, la cannelle, les quinquina, la coriander, le cacao, le café, la gentiane, le sureau. Owned by Pernod Ricard? – who bought CDC who merged with Cusenier; products include Dubonnet,Cinzano, Suze, Ambassadeur and Soho 17% $25.00 at Traverso’s  Byrrh

About RJ

Ray Johnson is the Executive Director of the Wine Business Institute at Sonoma State University. He writes about food and wine, his travels and the business of wine. He makes his home in Sonoma County, California.
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