Banfi, Rosa Regali, Brachetto d’Acqui DOCG 2007 This ’07 is perfectly fresh with plenty of flowers and fresh strawberries. Serve this with fresh berries after dinner to match the sweetness. The ’05 tasted one year ago was sweet and with a bit of a phenolic edge, some grab as if the tannin was showing a little. I would have served it with cheese rather than a sweet dessert, especially a tangy cheese in the blue vein, so to speak. Some of the receding fruit character might have been due to an extra year of aging. Today we are tasting the ’07 just one year since the harvest, rather than two. Estate bottled in Strevi by Banfi 7% $19.99 at Traverso’s
Update: A little over one year later we are tasting the same vintage ’07 purchased at Bottle Barn for $16.99. Let’s see how this wine is evolving. It’s actually doing quite nicely, the fruit not quite is fresh and there’s a bit of phenolic grip but I wouldn’t turn down a glass from a friend. The sweet richness is fetching, a little thick and reminiscent of strawberry jam. Banfi